The use of desktop workstations and PCs by CAD users and managers is set to decline, according to a Worldwide CAD Trends Survey 2016 by IT research specialist Business Advantage Group.
While desktop usage is predicted to fall, the use of mobile workstations, virtual CAD, tablets and mobile phones is predicted to rise dramatically. Over the next three years virtual CAD workstation and mobile phone usage is predicted to double and usage of tablets set to triple.
At present, 56% of CAD users use desktop workstations, 42% PCs and 33% laptop PCs. This has been stable over the last three years, however, future usage is predicted to be much lower.
On the other hand 19% of CAD users currently utilise mobile CAD workstations, 6% virtual CAD workstations, 5% tablets and 3% mobile phones and future usage is set to grow significantly.
Chris Turner, managing director of Business Advantage, said: “Current usage for desktop-based hardware solutions is stable though a significant decline in future demand is predicted by survey participants. There are increases forecast in usage and demand for tablets, virtual solutions and in mobile phone usage (but from a low base).”
The survey results are based on responses from CAD users, designers, engineers and professionals, including managers and senior executives.
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Current usage for desktop-based hardware solutions is stable though a significant decline in future demand is predicted by survey participants. There are increases forecast in usage and demand for tablets, virtual solutions and in mobile phone usage.– Chris Turner, Business Advantage